Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Let Go

It is only the first couple of months of 2013 and it appears that world is making its way towards balance, this is a relief for many , we have been dominated by excess for far too long. As we move away from this domination we will begin to see evidence of softness, nurturing, light and grace. However we have built the current society with a rewards system that recognizes and holds powerful those who can take the most without crumbling. The most stress, the most job hours, the one's who can wear the most amount of hats, the ones who can go to excess without it appearing to permeate their system. Just like any other changing of the guards, the times could feel uncomfortable and rocky especially if you are more sensitive than others.

Today I go back to the notion of surrendering to the ride~ in a world where strength (emotional, physical, mental) has been beheld can you embrace an element of beauty in the breakdown? Whatever form this breakdown decides to take, can you see the beauty in the experience? In yourself? In us all? For we will all have something to face~ a fear or lack will arise, can you greet it with grace and inquisition?

With light and love


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