Saturday, March 2, 2013

Come As You Are

One of the most bewildering aspects on a spiritual path or search for internal peace has been that the further you dive into the self while pulling away from an ego led dialog, the innocence and lightness of the cause of pain emerges. This light bulb turns on and you see with complete clarity that one or more reasons or events have actually drove your source of suffering. However without the dialog of the ego these causes seem very simple, plain and in fact trivial (almost embarrassing that they could cause such pain) the deeper we go the more simple it is, the farther out of ourselves we stay the more complicated and painful. As a seeker I did not expect this finding. I thought that the "real" stuff, the internal stuff would hold the most weight, it would be the ugliest of the ugly, something I have never seen. The "real" stuff does hold weight but only to a degree since it was the beginning of something, the root of whatever form it manifested in your behavior or esteem but to look at it without ego, it is very easy to see that root and pull it. You can pull it without blame, without suffering and without it being personal which is even more bewildering since this source has called YOU so much pain, how can this not be PERSONAL.

The bottom line is; our internal soil has weeds, some we were born with and some we planted, and it is never too late to start weeding. If you can move through the heart to see and behold these weeds they really are not all that scary. Your internal soil ( maybe shadow if you will) is only as big and bad as you allow your EGO to say it is.

I invite you to catch a glimpse of your internal soil...and maybe even pull a weed if ready :)


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