Saturday, December 15, 2012

What The World Needs Now Is Love Sweet Love

I am at a loss for words in regards to the events of yesterday in Connecticut. How anyone could open fire on innocent children is beyond my comprehension. I feel as though my spirit is trying to claw through my skin to go and "do" something, anything to help alleviate the pain, the unnecessary pain that has been caused. I can only pray for everyone, not just those in Connecticut but everyone we all are in need of prayers because we all live in a world where this happens.

While speaking with a friend today we both pondered what to do, what can we I invite you here today to greet someone with love today, greet them with your heart. Please turn your attention from the downward direction of your device ( a coincidence we all must look down while roaming the world to look at our smartphones / devices ~ I think not!!!) and look up, look up, look around and actually see someone. We have stopped doing this in this world, we are disconnected from each other but most of all from ourselves. I often envision the people of  America walking around and we all have our heads off to the side of us, I see it in the studio, on the streets, in doctors offices, etc.  Our head is running the show and is not connected to the rest of us. So I urge and beg you all please, step outside of your network and greet someone today, in the eyes, through your heart and send them love.  You do not know what impact you could possibly have, it may just make someone feel good, or even feel awkward since it has become so foreign, or you could just maybe "see" the signs we need to see to in order to help someone.

Sending LOVE

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