Sunday, February 10, 2013

Lean On Me

During the last quarter of 2012 a new mantra developed in my mind "everyone deserves to be supported". Somewhere along the way "having it all together" became the thing or person to be, this seemed to be a way to show off our strength, strength of the inner ego. Where did this come from? Why was it so important or impressive to have the weight of the world on your shoulders? And then disillusion ourselves that we must really be succeeding since it wasn't bothering us? We can then continue to unravel this thread and tie it to all of the stress related illnesses floating I ask are we succeeding? Can we carry it all? NO~ somewhere we lost the idea that we deserved to be supported.

As a Mother of 3 I am finally letting down my rigid guard and really embracing the idea of "it takes a village" because it does!!!! I need help, it is imperative, it is the only way we can all have our needs met and be healthy. This does not mean I am weak, or am in over my head, this means I am human and I recognize the importance of making sure everyone in my family is supported, even myself :)

We just traveled to Disney World for our first big family trip, and this mantra played over in my head many a time. It helps me to stay calm and centered when presented with some situations that can drum up frustration and anxiety. In most of the situations presented my ego begins screaming something to the tune of "what about me or my turn" I gently and with compassion repeat in my head "everyone deserves to be supported" and I am included in this statement as well.

Who do you lean on? Do you have a village or is it all on you? Depending on your answer I ask you to examine how you feel most of the time and would you like to change it?


~and please enjoy one of my most favorite new artists~he is the real deal out there to help heal us all!!!!

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