Friday, January 4, 2013

let it be

So 2012 is officially out the door and I am ecstatic! It could not have come sooner, I am open and well that is it, just open to what may be. The 4th quarter of 2012 was dedicated to Svadhyaya...this aspect does not seem to be going out the door and I am okay with that. I am continuing the pursuit of joy through the essence of love. I have attended many ceremonies where Corinthians 13:4-8 has been used especially at a marriage ceremony and each time I have heard it it has somehow lost its spark~ it was another love quote being said at the perfect time.(but who really lives that way right?)  However today while I was driving I was thinking about my best friend and that quote came into mind. It is all true, when you are in a place of love, there is no arrogance, no judgement, no envy, it believes all things , hopes all things and so forth.

Lately I have been toying with the notion of listening with love, through love and have found this to be the most difficult. When we listen our audio tape of the ego begins to record and immediately feedback~ generally it comes back with narcissism or something to boost its esteem whether we are conscious of it or not. To listen through love, we must pause the tape, be still, truly open, listen and then let it be. How many times a day do you interject your opinion or tie someone's story or part of their story to yourself when you are supposed to be listening? Is it possible to actually listen if this reaction in the brain is happening? Most of the time something or some aspect of the story will light a spark, but what if you diffuse the next spark and stay still to listen? What happens then?

I know myself well enough that this will be practice for quite some time, I find myself saying things, or catching that tape often, so for now I will continue to practice and wait to be asked before I chime in. I will let things be~ There is no attachment through love it is freeing, all giving and I am curious to see what I will uncover when I begin to really listen this way~ free of judgement, envy, inadequacies, or whatever form my ego is pining after that day :)


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