Thursday, March 7, 2013

Nothing Compares To You

The first step to healing is to STOP comparing yourself, your life, your path to others. I have noticed that around the young age of 4 and 5 children begin to start comparing. Who has what and then what they don't have. One this proves that comparison is very normal, that it is part of being human and two  this also proves that the energetic weight of comparison can begin to bog you down from a very early age. If we are all energy~ giving and receiving it then I invite you to consider the "energy" tied to comparison. If we are viewing a situation that our ego perceives as more than what we have then we are directly taking an energetic hit on our worthiness, what we are lacking. We are attacking our own esteem that we are not as important as that said person because if we were we would have the same. If we take the comparison towards the opposite direction, say our ego shows just how "lucky" we are, we in fact are not energetically feeling any better. It is the same as verbally attacking someone to make them feel bad so you feel better, this does not resonate with our spirits in a positive way. EX: A married friend of yours finds out their partner has been cheating and therefore have begun the separation process, how many times have you heard someone say or you even think~ "thank god that is not me? How hard for them , at least it was not me...."
The energy transmitted from these thoughts are harmful to your spirit, to those around you and especially to the one who is hurting. We do not want any one of our brothers and sisters to hurt but there is some dysfunctional notion that if it is them there is less chance it will be me and therefore I feel better about myself. This perception is not of spirit, this is of fear and spoken by ego. So I bring the idea to the table that you begin to stop comparing in your daily life. This is a practice, one that will need to be done every single day and maybe even in every single new situation presented.

Can you take that peripheral vision and focus it a tad more inwards, not to be selfish but to be more aware???

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